Results for 'Thomas D. Nielsen'

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  1.  26
    Learning a decision maker's utility function from (possibly) inconsistent behavior.Thomas D. Nielsen & Finn V. Jensen - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 160 (1-2):53-78.
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    Decomposition of influence diagrams.Thomas D. Nielsen - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (2):135-150.
    When solving a decision problem we want to determine an optimal policy for the decision variables of interest. A policy for a decision variable is in principle a function over its past; however, some of the past may be irrelevant and for both communicational as well as computational reasons it is important not to deal with redundant variables in the policies. In this paper we present a method to decompose a decision problem into a collection of smaller sub-problems s.t. a (...)
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  3. The mind, the lab, and the field: Three kinds of populations in scientific practice.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, Ryan Giordano, Michael D. Edge & Rasmus Nielsen - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52:12-21.
    Scientists use models to understand the natural world, and it is important not to conflate model and nature. As an illustration, we distinguish three different kinds of populations in studies of ecology and evolution: theoretical, laboratory, and natural populations, exemplified by the work of R.A. Fisher, Thomas Park, and David Lack, respectively. Biologists are rightly concerned with all three types of populations. We examine the interplay between these different kinds of populations, and their pertinent models, in three examples: the (...)
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  4. The Debate over "Wittgensteinian Fideism" and Phillips’ Contemplative Philosophy of Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2010 - In Ingolf U. Dalferth & Hartmut von Sass, The Contemplative Spirit: D.Z. Phillips on Religion and the Limits of Philosophy. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 99-114.
    When surveying the scholarly literature over Wittgensteinian fideism, it is easy to get the sense that the principal interlocutors, Kai Nielsen and D.Z. Phillips, talk past one another, but finding the right words for appraising the distance between the two voices is difficult. In this paper, I seek to appreciate this intellectual distance through an exploration of the varying philosophical aims of Nielsen and Phillips, of the different intellectual imperatives that guide their respective conceptions of philosophical practice. In (...)
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    Multisite functional connectivity MRI classification of autism: ABIDE results.Jared A. Nielsen, Brandon A. Zielinski, P. Thomas Fletcher, Andrew L. Alexander, Nicholas Lange, Erin D. Bigler, Janet E. Lainhart & Jeffrey S. Anderson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    (1 other version)The Meaning of life.E. D. Klemke (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many writers in various fields--philosophy, religion, literature, and psychology--believe that the question of the meaning of life is one of the most significant problems that an individual faces. In The Meaning of Life, Second Edition, E.D. Klemke collects some of the best writings on this topic, primarily works by philosophers but also selections from literary figures and religious thinkers. The twenty-seven cogent, readable essays are organized around three different perspectives on the meaning of life. In Part I, the readings assert (...)
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    Resurrection as Salvation : Development and Conflict in Pre-Nicene Paulinism.Thomas D. McGlothlin - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first study to focus on the reception of Paul's link between resurrection and salvation, revealing its profound effect on early Christian theology - not only eschatology, but also anthropology, pneumatology, ethics, and soteriology. Thomas D. McGlothlin traces the roots of the strong tension on the matter in ancient Judaism and then offers deep readings of the topic by key theologians of pre-Nicene Christianity, who argued on both sides of the issue of the fleshliness of the (...)
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    Reply to Professor Bronaugh.Thomas D. Perry - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (2):60-63.
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    Asymmetric attribute interaction in concept identification.Thomas D. Wickens & Brian Zax - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (2):335.
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    Knowing right from wrong: a Christian guide to conscience.Thomas D. Williams - 2008 - New York: Faith Words.
    Father Williams explains how the conscience is formed through our training and experiences and informed by the Holy Spirit, making it an essential tool for daily living. He uses familiar and surprising characters to illustrate the positive choices conscience can direct--and the disaster that results when a conscience is undeveloped or ignored. Questions he tackles include "Is it more important to be smart or good?""Is there a morally right thing to do in every situation?" and "Is the Christian moral life (...)
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    Judicial method and the concept of reasoning.Thomas D. Perry - 1969 - Ethics 80 (1):1-20.
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    Moral autonomy and reasonableness.Thomas D. Perry - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (13):383-401.
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    Professional Philosophy: What It Is and Why It Matters.Thomas D. Perry - 1989 - Noûs 23 (3):403-404.
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    Ethical Challenges in Digital Psychology and Cyberpsychology.Thomas D. Parsons - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Our technologies are progressively developing into algorithmic devices that seamlessly interface with digital personhood. This text discusses the ways in which technology is increasingly becoming a part of personhood and the resulting ethical issues. It extends upon the framework for a brain-based cyberpsychology outlined by the author's earlier book Cyberpsychology and the Brain: The Interaction of Neuroscience and Affective Computing. Using this framework, Thomas D. Parsons investigates the ethical issues involved in cyberpsychology research and praxes, which emerge in algorithmically (...)
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    Art and Paideia.Thomas D. Paxson - 1985 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 19 (1):67.
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    Passively learned spatial navigation cues evoke reinforcement learning reward signals.Thomas D. Ferguson, Chad C. Williams, Ronald W. Skelton & Olave E. Krigolson - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):65-75.
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    Furtum and the description of stolen objects in cicero in verrem 2.4.Thomas D. Frazel - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (3):363-376.
    Cicero portrays Verres here in ways that are strikingly similar to those that would be used against a thief in a civil proceeding: he emphasizes that Verres carried off goods, characterizes Verres' purchases as forced sales, and describes the stolen objects in a spare manner like the one used in theft accusations. Cicero's matter-of-fact descriptive mode also plays a key role in his own self-presentation as an informed, but not enthusiastic, consumer of art, unlike Verres. The spare descriptions thus reinforce (...)
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  18.  47
    John Dewey on history education and the historical method.Thomas D. Fallace - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (2):20-35.
    Recent theory and research in historical education has focused attention on the structures, processes, and cognitive acts of professional historians. Proponents of historical thinking argue that authentic teaching in history should move beyond the mere memorization of facts and instead engage students directly in the interpretation of primary sources and the construction of original historical accounts. These scholars argue that by "doing history" through open-ended inquiry, students will discover the contingent nature of historical accounts, which is a more accurate reflection (...)
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  19. Heidegger beyond Hegel: a reflexion on "the onto-theo-logical constitution of Metaphysics".Thomas D. Langan - 1968 - Filosofia 19 (4 Supplemento):735.
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    Transcendence in the Philosophy of Heidegger.Thomas D. Langan - 1958 - New Scholasticism 32 (1):45-60.
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  21. Discovering empirical patterns in the social sciences : small assignments with web-based data in introductory classes.Thomas D. Lancaster - 2018 - In Jeffery Galle & Rebecca L. Harrison, Revitalizing classrooms: innovations and inquiry pedagogies in practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  22. Faith: Serving emotional epistemic-goals rather than evidence-coherence.Thomas D. Griffin - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2059--2064.
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    Technology Assessment, Public Policy and Transplantation: A Restrained Appraisal of the Massachusetts Task Force Approach.Thomas D. Overcast & Roger W. Evans - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (3):106-111.
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    Stephen C. Layman: Philosophical approaches to atonement, incarnation, and the trinity: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, ix and 191 pp, $100.00.Thomas D. Senor - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (3):349-354.
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  25. The Supreme Court on Attorney Fee Awards, 1985 and 1986 Terms: Economics, Ethics, and Ex Ante Analysis, 1 Geo. J.Thomas D. Rowe - 1988 - Legal Ethics 621.
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    The effects of instructions on recall and recognition of categorized lists by the elderly.Thomas D. Overcast, Martin D. Murphy, Sandra S. Smiley & Ann L. Brown - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):339-341.
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    Common Core/Diversity Dilemma, Agatheism and the Epistemology of Religious Belief.Thomas D. Senor - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):213--226.
    The essay “The Common-Core/Diversity Dilemma: Revisions of Humean Thought, New Empirical Research, and the Limits of Rational Religious Belief‘ is a bold argument for the irrationality of “first-order‘ religious belief. However, unlike those associated with “New Atheism,‘ the paper’s authors Branden Thornhill-Miller and Peter Millican claim both that there are prospects for rational “second-order‘ religious belief and that religious belief and practice can play a positive role in human life. In response to Thornhill-Miller and Millican, Janusz Salamon has argued that (...)
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  28.  10
    The Church and Economic Development.Thomas D. Williams - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (4):115-132.
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    Augustine’s Resurrection Framework.Thomas D. McGlothlin - forthcoming - Augustinian Studies.
    Augustine combined two distinctions to develop an elegant interpretive framework for embracing multiple senses of “resurrection,” resolving tensions that had bedeviled predecessors such as Irenaeus and Tertullian. The first distinction was between the general resurrection of the body and an accompanying bodily transformation restricted to the saved. The second distinction, which he shared with many fourth-century authors but may have drawn most directly from Tyconius, was between a “first,” spiritual resurrection experienced now by the baptized and a “second,” bodily resurrection (...)
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  30.  8
    The Return of the Broken Butterfly.Thomas D. Hill - 1979 - Mediaevalia 5:271-281.
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  31. Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory.Thomas D. Senor - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    In this clear and up-to-date introduction, Thomas D. Senor lays the philosophical foundation needed to understand the justification of memory belief. This book explores traditional accounts of the justification of memory belief and examines the resources that prominent positions in contemporary epistemology have to offer theories of the memorial justification. Along the way, epistemic conservatism, evidentialism, foundationalism, phenomenal conservatism, reliabilism, and preservationism all feature. Study Questions and annotated Further Reading guides at the end of each chapter make this book (...)
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    'Hwyrftum scriþað': Beowulf, line 163.Thomas D. Hill - 1971 - Mediaeval Studies 33 (1):379-381.
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  33. Who Wrote Senaca's Plays?Thomas D. Kohn - 2003 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 96 (3).
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  34. Preface and introduction to John Disney's Diary.D. Thomas - 2002 - Enlightenment and Dissent 21:1-41.
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    Political Decision Procedures.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):141 - 158.
    D. A. Lloyd Thomas; VIII—Political Decision Procedures1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 141–160, https://doi.or.
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    Modern challenges to past philosophy: arguments and responses.Thomas D. Sullivan - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Does philosophy have a timeless essence? Are the writings that have come down to us over the centuries from philosophers of genius mere souvenirs from a bygone era? Or are their thoughts still eminently worth examining with care? Modern Challenges to Past Philosophy argues pondering past philosophy with modern problems in mind is worth the effort, even though earlier works are uninformed by modern science and lack some of tools of modern analysis. The great texts defamiliarize our world and offer (...)
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  37. The Problem of Universals in the Later Ludwig Wittgenstein.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1969 - Dissertation, St. John's University (New York)
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    Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self‐Recognition in Eighteenth Century Political Thought.D. O. Thomas - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (3):152-154.
  39. Hume's connections.D. Thomas - 1999 - Enlightenment and Dissent 18:187-198.
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    Jonathan Edwards's Moral Thought and its British Context.D. O. Thomas - 1983 - Philosophical Books 24 (2):79-81.
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  41. Journal of Biosocial Science (vol 43, pg 113, 2011).D. M. Thomas - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (3):379-379.
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  42.  10
    Rethinking Philosophy of Religion with Wittgenstein: Religious Diversities and Racism.Thomas D. Carroll - 2025 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Can Wittgenstein's philosophy help us to see religious diversities? Thomas D. Carroll uses Wittgenstein's thoughts on religion and language to bring a cross-cultural perspective to philosophy of religion. Through a focus on Chinese philosophical and religious traditions and the intertwining of racism and religion in the United States, Carroll highlights two related features of Wittgenstein's philosophy: the relevance of contextual backgrounds to interpreting ways of life and the importance of reflecting on existential purposes in philosophical inquiry. Committed to the (...)
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    Elementary Signal Detection Theory.Thomas D. Wickens - 2001 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Detection theory has been applied to a host of varied problems (for example, measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems or reliability of lie detection tests) and extends far beyond the detection of signals. This book is a primer on the subject.
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  44.  9
    Bitter Knowledge: Learning Socratic Lessons of Disillusion and Renewal.Thomas D. Eisele - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Thomas Eisele explores the premise that the Socratic method of inquiry need not teach only negative lessons. Instead, Eisele contends, the Socratic method is cyclical: we start negatively by recognizing our illusions, but end positively through a process of recollection performed in response to our disillusionment, which ultimately leads to renewal. Thus, a positive lesson about our resources as philosophical investigators, as students and teachers, becomes available to participants in Socrates' robust conversational inquiry. __Bitter Knowledge __includes Eisele's detailed readings (...)
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    Answering Brody's challenge from a pharmapologist perspective.Thomas D. Harter - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):29 - 30.
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  46. Annual Address to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lexinton.Thomas D. Mitchell - 1939 - Lexington, Ky..
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  47. Annual address to the college of physicians and surgeons of Lexington, in which the principle and practice of medical ethics are illustrated and urged as essential.. delivered.Thomas D. Mitchell - 1839 - Lexington, Ky.,:
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  48.  14
    Curiosity and the Integrated Self.Thomas D. Kennedy - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (4):33-54.
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    The Enigma of Julia Augusta Titi.Thomas D. Kohn - 2022 - História 71 (4):459.
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    Historicity and Metaphysics.Thomas D. Langan - 1974 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 48:1-13.
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